Well as mentioned in some of my earlier posts, I have a few chilli plants on the go .... (okay 20) and as I haven't really done anything at all plant wise due to all the rain, I thought I would share some pics as they are all starting to fruit!

This one is labelled Hot Rainbow.... But

So is this one and as you can see they are completely different!

This is facing heaven schezuan

And this is a Hot Chilli Shake! Kindly given to me by a friend! :o)

If you can see them, these are Ring of Fire :oX

and on a completely different note this is my Crystal lemon cucumber! Whoever said I was growing tooooo many cukes was clearly mad as I've had about four "Mini" ones and I have this and one ordinary one on the way! This plant is over 6ft tall so this cucumber had better be DAZZLING!

And this is my one indoor Aubergine, you can't see on this but despite being ignored, in the smallest pot possible etc etc, there are two YES TWO fruit coming on it! The outdoor ones are doing nothing, its far too cold and wet.
I do hope the weather will dry up a little so I can get to the allotment and so some work, and that things will start to ripen too. In the meantime I hope you've enjoyed my indoor show and tell!
I'm off to put the heating on (YES it IS July) cos it IS a little chilly round here after all
Chat soon X
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