Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Ive bean going mad!

Beans beans they make you .....

Well you all know how that one goes!  My runner beans are now producing like mad and I spent an hour or so stringing beans on sunday and putting them through my snaztastic bean slicer ready for blanching and freezing.  They are now frozen in two person portions in eight bags!  and I know I'm going to have plenty more to pick!

Also feeding us are the courgettes - I spent Friday night pickling these to a fab recipe from the pages of  grow your own magazine http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/grapevine/making-most/pickled-courgettes_21316.html  Thanks to Di for that one its delish!  I only now need to grow more so I can make enough!

I also pickled some gherkins and beetroot.... Phew my life is soooooo rock and roll!  Apart from that I picked french beans, beetroot, two patty pan and allllll of the first early potatoes. 

The tomatoes at home are fruiting like mad too and I picked three Red Kuri too!  Never had those before either.... also the biggest cucumber to only produce one cuke is throwing out two more... still not worth it I think.  The Aubergines in the little blow away greenhouses are now massev and one looke like it may well fruit so that will be cool!  I had one last year that produced quite a few, but  I bought the plant... This one was grown from seed.

My plot neighbours kindly gave me a marrow on Saturday it was mahoooosive.  We had baked marrow for dinner and it was yummy.  Still got the other half to eat...... :o)

Anyway, this old has bean ought to go off and do some housework for a change!