This time last week I got my first seeds sown. A smattering of early chilli's so that they get a good long season and yesterday the general consensus was that they would appear! I sowed two each of Chocolate Habanero's, Orange Habanero's, Numex Twilight, Purple Gusto and Yellow Scotch Bonnet! These are all new varieties for me, I've never done the big hitting habs and bonnets before - but as a real chilli lover where hot is not hot enough I CANT WAIT!
I have quite a few up and at em already - I will post pictures later - cant access my hotmail at work! :0)
On another note - now Christmas is out of the way I can post a pic of my chilli hampers that I made for gifts (sorry PB you knew it was me!)
They got good reviews!
Anyway Its great to have the growing season (ish) underway! HAVE A GOOD ONE EVERYONE!
Chat soon X