Hey I ave finally got the garlic in the ground! Whoooo hooooo! Although having had a chesty cough and three days off work last week, it was looking dicey for this weekend too! However like a good girl I got up, packed my lottie bag, guilt tripped Mr B into coming with me an off we set.
I used the top bed for this as I have not had onions in it before and it will be nearly a whole section of the allotment planted up! I have varieties messidrome, germidor, edenrose, chesnok red and elephant garlic. I can't remember off the top of my head in which order though I did do a nifty little diagram! Beside that I do have three rows of eschallot grise, apparently a prized ingredient (excellent marketing which I fell for!) and then only two of electric red onions. This was all I could fit in as a) I haven't dug enough and b) the ground which was slightly uncovered at this edge and was frozen. I reckon there are about as many again which I didn't get to plant so I will come back to these in the spring perhaps....
And as for broad beans.... sigh ... not done. I have a vague entertainment of starting them off at home in loo rolls and then when the ground is soft again in spring putting the little plantlets in the ground like that. So the advantage of growing them early in to non frozen compost and hopefully and early harvest to combat the greenfly... I shall think on it. I may have some free time on Tuesday.
Having my pre Xmas haircut tonight (have had a bit of a hair disaster vis a vis colouring and over straightening and now some of the ends break!) and then Weds running club if I'm fit enough and Thursday Choir is singing in Marlow... Just have to learn my solo for "all over the world" by ELO. Oh yes a solo and this time by clever choosing I don't have to share! YAY! Mine all MINE!
Anyway back to the allotment, I got the planting done and Mr B took down the beans and the poles and helped me re-spread the tarpaulin over a bit lower down the plot. Looks much neater and ready for the long winter. I doubt I will get anything else done until its chilli time next year.... apart from the broad beans that is.... eventually :o)
Hope you're all well and Chat again soon X
Ciao for now !!!