Wednesday, 29 June 2011

I feel like a right gooseberry

Hi all

Well I've been so busy in my new job I've hardly had time for anything else!  I've certainly nearly given up with FB and haven't read any of my favourite blogs for AAAAAAAAAGES..... :o(  So I thought I'd catch up and do a quick round up before Mr B  gets home!

We finally managed to paint the "bit on the side of the garage" (which I use as a potting shed)  I started to scrape it ages ago but its just rained since!  Well we got one coat on.  It does need another but its not bare naked and covered with a plastic sheet any more!

I managed to plant out all of the rest of the squash and courgettes AT LAST so finally we should get something fingers X'd.  I also got loads of grow bags so over the next day or two I shall plant out the aubergines and peppers.

Oooooh and if anyone has any recipes for gooseberries - that would be a MASSIVE help!  I've picked over 2KG then Mum went yesterday and picked 6lbs without really moving along the bushes very far.  Masses left to get.  I'm going to make some wine with some but any ideas would be great.  I've just been open freezing them so far.

Tomatoes at the allotment all seem to be unhappy but my ones at home seem to have perked up a bit... I really need some sun now please.

We had my Rock Choir summer show yesterday... Really enjoyed myself once we got going.  All the hanging about to begin with was annoying though... Or shoud I say all the moaning minnies took all the joy out of it!  Only one more session then we stop for the summer break Booooooo!  Bet we have loads of new members after the documentary!  We'll have to wait and see.

Anyway I will leave you some pics of my Cape Gooseberries!  The fruit and the flower!  Can't wait until they are ripe  :o)

Again - apart from eating them - What do you do with yours!

Chat soon X

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hi I'm the new Girl!

Hi everyone!  Sorry it's been ages but I've been a teency bit busy dontcha know!  Well I started my new job last week and fingers crossed, its all going well so far!  My boss is nice (if a bit fly by the seat of his pants and hectic) and the lady I'm working with is loooooovely  :o)

As I'm working in the Facilities Team (for those of you that dont know what that is, facilities looks after the building and the services into a company like heating, stationery, security catering and any maintenance)  So since I started I have been trying to get to know all of the coordinators or pa's in each section and all of the contractors and other people to boot and my boss has given me some projects to start to look after.... phew, my head is spinning.

Anyway I managed to get to the allotment this weekend (dispite the rain!)  Weeded loads on Saturday and got loads of my squash and courgettes planted.  Then on Sunday I managed to get there early and plant my sweetcorn around the squashes - so its going to be a kind of two sisters section,  I will have to see how these work as I know  I am quite late getting these in the ground.  I came home with an impressive smug trug though!  New potatoes, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and onions!  also picked some thyme and oregano!  So the best pickings to date!

At home my chillis are coming into flower and my cape gooseberries started flowering yesterday!  Also I noticed this morning that one of my aubergines and a HUGE purple flower on it!  Its only small (I must pot them up, I am terrible!)  In fact, I dont know what I'm doing on here! 


Thursday, 2 June 2011

Do you want the Good News... Or the Good News???

Good News #1

YAY - My tomatoes, cukes and all other veg survived the winds we had last week and "seem" to still be growing quite well.  I even have a baby cucumber coming on the Cucuino variety of cucumber (v small bite sized cukes!) so all is well...

Good News #2

I went on an interview on Tuesday - (drumroll please) and I was offered the job yesterday!  WOOOHOOOO.  The Agent that called to tell me was a bit naughty and acted all game show on me (think who wants to be a millionaire when they are trying to build the tension).  I wasn't expecting to hear until next week either way so when he said "you thought it had gone well" - big pause........   "Well they have come back to me with some feedback"  longer pause, serious tone......   "Well they thought so too and they would like to offer you the job!"  ha ha gotcha tone.  I nearly fainted with excitement.  I may have wee'd a little.... I was bouncing about the office all afternoon - I thought that they may have to call an ambulance.  Mr JB was just as excited as was Mummy JB.  We celebrated with a nice dinner and a bottle of pink n fizzy last night!

So that's worked out so well - I was finishing here on Friday as they have a permanent person starting on Monday - I get a weeks holiday and then start on the 13th.  Its the best job by far that I've interviewed for - not in London, so not so far to travel.  The largest (V well known) company.  So its a brilliant opportunity and in Facilities which is what I LOOOOOOOVE doing. 

Its been soooo stressful being made redundant and job hunting, and temping and interview after interview.  Not to mention dealing with the job centre, then getting this temp role, earning not even half of what I was in my perm role etc etc etc  I can't tell you what a relief it is... :o)  Mr B has started looking at holidays already... I've told him not to put the cart before the horse!  I do however need to buy shoes....

Anyway Garden/veg news... I planted out some lettuces and beetroot at the allotment on Monday - Never grown "hearting" lettuce before so we'll see how that goes.  I picked my first Strawberries and Raspberries too... I am eating them with my morning cereal Mmmmmm.

Apart from that, I've just potted a coupla things up... Did I mention I've got a new job...???