Monday, 15 October 2012

Well butter my buttocks and call me Susan

After a rather disparaging post on Friday maligning Thomson and Morgan and their Customer service - I am rather forced to eat my words.  I did indeed email them on Friday at 3.36pm - I received a reply at 3.49pm.  Good news - Not only have I ordered Garlic and Shallots but some onions too!  Bad news - I have to do lots more digging to get the beds ready!  Oooops :0)

I got the the lottie on Saturday and have made a good start on this years potato bed - I will be putting the overwintering things here.  I'll get it dug over and then whap in the onions, garlic, shallots (broad beans too if they will fit), then I can make a start on the others in my own good time.  Having stuff in the ground overwinter really encouraged me this year as I could always see that some of the allotment was actually doing something and looked good.  So the more that I get sorted out now the better.

Also got hailed on and soaked to the skin but never mind!  Worth it - came home with yet MORE beans - the Frenchies are STILL flowering!  WOW.

Anyway this means more work to prep them for freezing.  Thank god for Chest freezers.  :o)

Have a good week and chat soon X

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