Thursday, 10 March 2011

Busy Bee

Hiya!  Here I am.  WOW I've been busy over the past week.  I had a FAB weekend as it was wonderfully sunny and DRY!  First weekend in about three that there was no rain at all.  I even managed to get my first load of washing on the line (boring I know but I always love that feeling of victory)

I spent a good few hours on Saturday and Sunday digging at the allotment.  I have taken some pictures on my whizzy new phone but will have to look at the instructions about how to get then on the computer and to be able to attach them here.  I will do tomorrow when I have some free time for a change - no scratch that I'm booked already.  I know I haven't put up the plan yet either - smack my wrist if you ever meet me!

Anyway I dug over the remainder of one bed and Dan (the brother) dug over another.  I have tidied and degrassed the Gooseberries to (they fought back)  I look like I've been fighting off tigers!  However I thought while I was at it I would do them properly as I certainly don't want to have to do them again - So they have been weeded and pruned and thinned out a bit and look much happier for it.  We also took out all the old canes that have been sitting in the ground since last year and tidied all that was left on or in the ground.  Just some potato plants left but slowly slowly catchee monkey.  All in all its looking much tidier and I am starting to feel a bit more hopeful about whipping it into shape :o)

Three tomatoes survive this week.....

We saw the Adjustment Bureau at the cinema this weekend... Brilliant with a disappointing ending for me, Hubbie liked it so don't let me put you off please!

Anyway - The BIG second interview - had it yesterday... I feel it went well but basically its me VS the other candidate... So now its in the lap of the gods as it were.  I feel a bit blue now its over and there's nothing more I can do...  Oh well.... I should know by the end of the week... Keep those fingers crossed.

I'm off out to meet a friend tonight for dinner - Thai - my fave.  YUM YUM YUM cant wait.

Then its the weekend (as near as dammit anyway!) - It's looking a bit grey today so I hope the rain hods off for the weekend.... Oh wait - My phone tells me rain today and Saturday but some sun on Sunday.. So maybe some seed sowing Saturday and Digging on Sunday  TADAAAAA

Anyway must go and do some work!

Chat soon X

1 comment:

  1. If you think your hands are bad now, you wait until you start *harvesting* the gooseberries!

    Fingers crossed for the job.
