Thursday, 24 March 2011

Spring has sprung - BOING

Just when you turn your back.....  Spring springs itself into full on spring springyness and all is right with the world! Out come summer colours and SKIRTS people.... some would say that ladies day has arrived and with it more leg than you can shake a stick at!

I have seeds popping out all over the house and got loads of sowing done.  These seeds I am determined to keep alive.... Well I'm going to try reallllly hard this time...  I was very excited to see my artichoke seeds pop up.  I've never even eaten one (well a fresh one anyway)  They are really large seedlings not spindly at all.  The cape gooseberries on the other hand are weeeeeeenie (but the seeds were microscopic too)  Only one pea up so far so I'm going to sow some more this weekend and not a sign of leeks.... Should I bring the bucket inside?  Tomatos and chilli's are all over the place and brussels are out too.  No parsnips but these are apparently awkward to germinate and I will perhaps try to pre-germinate some or "chit" the next lot...

All well so far though.  My only worry is where to plant everything (yes I know I have an allotment!) as I only have a few beds dug so far and it does look like no one is going to help (bloody boys)... (they will be there when the crops come in I suppose the buggers)  I will just have to get a shift on and dig more beds this Saturday and Sunday.

I did have a lovely day at the Allotment last Saturday and met both neighbours on the neighbouring plots (its two half plots on both sides)  They were delightful and friendly and offered me lots of advice.  How brilliant...  Have not seen either plot holder on the other side yet but I am certain they will be there next weekend due to the fabby weather - in fact my phone now tells me it is 16 degrees! practically sunbathing weather!  :o)  I will have a summer tan before all my non gardening buddies. In fact the day was still light enough to get out in the garden at home when I got back from work yesterday - so I started on the clearing up I should have done at the end of last year!

Hubby and I went to the Ideal Home exhibition on Tuesday - I recommend you go, but only go once unless you are after something in particular!  Once you have seen one vegetable slicer or mop, you've seen them all.  What did I come back with - Four hanging baskets!  They ARE special ones I promise!  Look here  Hanging Baskets of Loveliness  Yes give me a shopping opportunity and I still come back with something for the garden... Is there a therapy group for this...???

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